Meet The Founders

We founded Rejuvit on a simple principle: to help women feel their best, so they can be their best.

"I had been grappling with health issues for an extended period, and as a last resort, I turned to natural remedies. Through my journey of troubleshooting my own health problems using herbs, minerals, and vitamins, I experienced the transformative power of natural products in addressing women's most challenging day-to-day health issues. However, I encountered a significant hurdle in finding natural, organic, and high-quality supplements that effectively targeted specific problems while also embodying beauty and elegance. This realization motivated me to bridge the gap and offer women an effective product that truly resonated with them." - Stephanie Hudson

"Coming from a tech background, I noticed a severe lack of discourse around health and wellness. This dearth of education left me unaware of the high levels of stress and fatigue I was experiencing, as I didn't possess the vocabulary to recognize these issues. Upon discovering natural products, my passion ignited, compelling me to establish a brand that would educate others and make a meaningful impact on their well-being, helping them reclaim their vitality." - Nathan Summers

Feel Your Best, Be Your Best

We create 100% natural supplements with real results and zero woo. With accurate dosing, Rejuvit Labs capsules solve everyday problems that women constantly deal with. You know what we mean - weight gain, bloat, anxiety, etc. The stuff that comes up at every woman's brunch. This is the wellness product for all woman, who has a lot on her plate but doesn’t want to compromise on how she feels. We believe that when it comes to personal goals and health, you don’t have to make a choice, you can have both. 

  • Dr. Samantha Lawson, ND - Rejuvit

    Dr. Samantha Lawson, ND

    Introducing Dr. Samantha Lawson, a licensed naturopathic physician who is deeply committed to personalized and comprehensive healthcare. Dr. Lawson has a special interest in promoting overall wellness, preventing chronic illnesses,...

    Dr. Samantha Lawson, ND

    Introducing Dr. Samantha Lawson, a licensed naturopathic physician who is deeply committed to personalized and comprehensive healthcare. Dr. Lawson has a special interest in promoting overall wellness, preventing chronic illnesses,...

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  • Dr. Rachel Anderson, ND - Rejuvit

    Dr. Rachel Anderson, ND

    Allow us to introduce Dr. Rachel Anderson, a skilled Naturopathic Doctor and the mastermind behind our product formulations. Dr. Anderson successfully completed her education at the renowned Canadian College of...

    Dr. Rachel Anderson, ND

    Allow us to introduce Dr. Rachel Anderson, a skilled Naturopathic Doctor and the mastermind behind our product formulations. Dr. Anderson successfully completed her education at the renowned Canadian College of...

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